Monster Database

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Found a total of 537 record(s) across 27 page(s). Displaying result(s) 421-440.

ID ▲ Name Level HP Size ▼ Race Element Base EXP Job EXP
1874 Beelzebub MVP! 98 2,000,000 Large Demon Ghost (Lv 4) 962,175 276,445
1880 Leshij 81 5,499 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 3) 1,001 889
1881 Lesavka 82 6,216 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 4) 1,018 905
1882 Baba-Yaga 87 6,498 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 1) 1,052 987
1883 Kikimora 85 7,140 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 3) 1,018 953
1884 Mavka 84 5,421 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 3) 1,052 937
1885 Gopinich MVP! 85 299,321 Large Dragon Earth (Lv 3) 45,250 16,445
1919 Incarnation of Pain 81 40,111 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 4) 39,872 33,120
1920 Incarnation of Fear 81 40,111 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 3) 39,872 33,120
1921 Incarnation of Sorrow 81 40,111 Medium Demon Ghost (Lv 4) 39,872 33,120
1933 Garden Watcher 81 30,000 Medium Angel Neutral (Lv 4) 0 0
1956 Naght Sieger MVP! 80 720,000 Large Demon Ghost (Lv 4) 65,780 45,045
1986 Tatacho 61 20,199 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 2) 1,022 2,980
1988 Nepenthes 15 425 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 2) 55 40
1989 Hillslion 30 3,163 Small Brute Earth (Lv 3) 529 319
1990 Hardrock Mammoth 75 50,199 Large Brute Earth (Lv 3) 1,022 2,980
1991 Tendrilion 75 50,199 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 3) 1,022 2,980
1994 Luciola Vespa 80 6,620 Medium Insect Wind (Lv 1) 869 809
2015 Cave Specter 75 12,252 Medium Demon Ghost (Lv 2) 5,173 3,871
2018 Duneyrr 75 12,252 Large Demon Ghost (Lv 2) 5,173 3,871
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