Monster Database

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Found a total of 537 record(s) across 27 page(s). Displaying result(s) 381-400.

ID ▼ Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP
1188 Bongun 32 3,520 Medium Undead Dark (Lv 1) 424 242
1186 Giant Whisper 34 5,040 Small Demon Ghost (Lv 2) 537 545
1180 Nine Tail 51 7,766 Medium Brute Fire (Lv 3) 2,812 825
1179 Whisper 34 1,796 Small Demon Ghost (Lv 3) 591 599
1178 Zerom 23 1,109 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 1) 240 149
1177 Zenorc 31 2,585 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 1) 967 407
1176 Vitata 20 894 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 163 101
1175 Tarou 11 284 Small Brute Dark (Lv 1) 57 28
1174 Stainer 16 538 Small Insect Wind (Lv 1) 105 70
1171 Faceworm Juvenile 59 6,075 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 2) 860 1,000
1170 Sohee 33 5,628 Medium Demon Water (Lv 1) 739 455
1169 Skeleton Worker 30 2,872 Medium Undead Dark (Lv 1) 397 240
1167 Savage Babe 7 182 Small Brute Earth (Lv 1) 14 12
1166 Savage 26 2,092 Large Brute Earth (Lv 2) 521 248
1165 Sandman 34 3,413 Medium Formless Earth (Lv 3) 810 492
1164 Requiem 35 3,089 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 1) 800 458
1163 Raydric 52 8,613 Large Demi-Human Dark (Lv 2) 3,410 1,795
1162 Rafflesia 17 550 Small Plant Earth (Lv 1) 109 71
1161 Plankton 10 354 Small Plant Water (Lv 3) 23 18
1160 Piere 18 733 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 122 78
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