Monster Database

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Found a total of 537 record(s) across 27 page(s). Displaying result(s) 81-100.

ID ▲ Name Level ▲ HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP
1101 Baphomet Jr. 50 8,578 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 2,706 1,480
1102 Bathory 44 5,415 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 1) 2,503 1,034
1103 Caramel 23 1,424 Small Brute Earth (Lv 1) 264 162
1104 Coco 17 817 Small Brute Earth (Lv 1) 120 78
1105 Deniro 19 760 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 135 85
1106 Desert Wolf 27 1,716 Medium Brute Fire (Lv 1) 427 266
1107 Baby Desert Wolf 9 164 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 20 16
1108 Deviace 47 20,090 Medium Fish Water (Lv 4) 9,988 7,207
1109 Deviruchi 46 6,666 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 2,662 1,278
1110 Dokebi 33 2,697 Small Demon Dark (Lv 1) 889 455
1111 Drainliar 24 1,162 Small Brute Dark (Lv 2) 431 176
1112 Drake MVP! 70 326,666 Medium Undead Dark (Lv 1) 28,600 22,880
1113 Drops 3 55 Medium Plant Fire (Lv 1) 4 3
1114 Dustiness 21 1,044 Small Insect Wind (Lv 2) 218 140
1115 Eddga MVP! 65 152,000 Large Brute Fire (Lv 1) 25,025 12,870
1116 Eggyra 24 633 Medium Formless Ghost (Lv 2) 215 220
1117 Evil Druid 58 16,506 Large Undead Dark (Lv 4) 2,890 1,827
1118 Flora 26 2,092 Large Plant Earth (Lv 1) 357 226
1119 Frilldora 30 2,023 Medium Brute Fire (Lv 1) 529 319
1120 Ghostring 18 73,300 Medium Demon Ghost (Lv 4) 101 108
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