Monster Database

Welcome to the monster database. You can use this page to find information on the in-game monsters.

Found a total of 537 record(s) across 27 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

ID Name Level HP ▲ Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP
1048 Thief Bug Egg 4 48 Small Insect Dark (Lv 1) 8 4
1002 Poring 1 50 Medium Plant Water (Lv 1) 2 1
1113 Drops 3 55 Medium Plant Fire (Lv 1) 4 3
1063 Lunatic 3 60 Small Brute Neutral (Lv 3) 6 2
1007 Fabre 2 63 Small Insect Earth (Lv 1) 3 2
1011 Chonchon 4 67 Small Insect Wind (Lv 1) 5 4
1049 Picky 3 80 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 4 3
1009 Condor 5 92 Medium Brute Wind (Lv 1) 6 5
1010 Willow 4 95 Medium Plant Earth (Lv 1) 5 4
1051 Thief Bug Juvenile 6 126 Small Insect Neutral (Lv 3) 17 5
1012 Roda Frog 5 133 Medium Fish Water (Lv 1) 6 5
1005 Familiar 8 155 Small Brute Dark (Lv 1) 28 15
1107 Baby Desert Wolf 9 164 Small Brute Fire (Lv 1) 20 16
1004 Hornet 8 169 Small Insect Wind (Lv 1) 19 15
1167 Savage Babe 7 182 Small Brute Earth (Lv 1) 14 12
1052 Rocker 9 198 Medium Insect Earth (Lv 1) 20 16
1076 Skeleton 10 234 Medium Undead Dark (Lv 1) 18 14
1175 Tarou 11 284 Small Brute Dark (Lv 1) 57 28
1031 Poporing 14 344 Medium Plant Poison (Lv 1) 81 44
1161 Plankton 10 354 Small Plant Water (Lv 3) 23 18
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