A Sorcerer is an advanced version of a Wizard that has been able to tap into mystical, elemental and neutral magic.
Only a fool would dare challenge the awesome might of a Srocerer's power head on!
Skill |
Description |
Summon Elemental Spheres
Summons an elemental sphere that will grant a 5% damage increase with magic attacks of the same element for 50 seconds. Up to 4 spheres can be summoned at the same time.
Tetra Vortex
Uses 4 summoned elemental spheres to cast a spell that will deal magical damage to target enemy with selected elements.
Maximizes one's magical potential, assuring dealing maximum damage with all magic attacks for the skill duration.
Mystical Amplification
Concentrates all magic power in the next magic skill casted, granting a huge percentage based boost to it's MATK.
Phantom Spear
Strikes a single enemy with an illusionary lance that will inflict ghost property magical damage and the sleep status on it.
Shadow Bomb
Unleashes a bomb of dark property magical damage onto a single enemy target, inflincting the curse status on it in the process.
Diamond Dust
Releases a magical wind of sharp dust onto a single enemy target, inflicting neutral property magic damage to it.
Astral Strike
Release a powerful strike of psychic energy centered on a single target, but will affect every nearby enemy, dealing neutral property magical damage to all of them. Targets damaged by this skill will receive 50% additional damage from all magical attacks for 10 seconds.
Voidmage Prodigy
Allow the caster to inflict additional magical damage when casting dark or ghost property spells for 30 seconds.
Release energy from the spirit world onto a single enemy target. Dealing dark and ghost property magical damage to it.