Priests have learned to use holy and shadow magic to their advantage, and can even be proficient in hand to hand combat in some cases.
Most of them have great healing and buffing capabilities, so they find themselves in company more often than not.
Skill |
Description |
Spiritu Sancti
Forces part of the target's soul to be expelled from its body. Causing ghost magical damage.
Holy Cross
Slices a single target with a cross shaped attack to inflict holy property damage. It will inflict the target with the blind status. Damage is increased based on the caster's STR.
Forces the sins of target enemy and all enemies around it to come back at them, inflicting multiple hits of holy damage to all of them..
Magnus Exorcismus
Summons purifying magic on target location, where enemies within the area of effect will be struck with waves of exorcism. Each wave will inflict several hits of holy property magical amage every 3 seconds, depending on the skill lvl.
Unholy Cross
Slices a single target with a cross shaped attack to inflict dark property damage. It will leave the target in a cursed status. Damage is increased based on the caster's STR.
Lex Aeterna
Doubles the damage of the next incoming attack to all enemies around the target.
Endows the targeted player's weapon with the holy element.
Coluseo Heal
Instantly cast a magic spell on self and all closest party members to restore an amount of their total health. The caster's base level and MATK, the skill level and INT affect the amount of HP restored.
Creates a holy area on the ground that will provide continuous HP restoration to all friendly characters while active. The Sanctuario heals in waves every 5 seconds. INT "and MATK affect the amount healed.
Sublimitas Heal
Cast magic on a target to restore a great amount of it's total health. The caster's level and MATK, the skill level and INT affect the amount of HP restored.
Impositio Manus
Applies a holy blessing to targeted player that increases their physical attack for the skill's duration.
Duple Lux
Summons two sacred lights, Granium (deals short range physical attack) and Merriam (deals magical attack), that will follow the caster and assist in battle.
Kyrie Eleison
Creates a protective barrier on a single target that blocks every form of physical damage until its durability wears off or expires.
Prayer that emporally doubles the caster's and all party members SP recovery rate.
Reduces the targeted player's variable cast time for the skill's duration.
Uses the holy power to raise a fallen character. The amount of HP restored and the cast time vary depending on the caster's skill level.