Classes - Monk

Monks are a class that can deal damage in several ways unique to themselves.

Most will be damage dealers, but a monk has the capacity to be a hepful team member, healing others and tanking attacks.

Class Progression
Novice Changes To Acolyte Changes To Monk
Skill Description Type
Knuckle Quicken
Temporarily increases ASPD, and ATK with knuckle class weapons. The effect will stop if the weapon is unequipped. Requires a knuckle class weapon.
Falling Fist
Strikes an enemy with a fast single hit from avobe. This skill causes the stun status to the target. This skill increments an existing combo. Requires a knuckle class weapon.
Circular Fists
Attack by spinning and hitting ememies with the closed fists. Dealing damage in an area around the caster. Enemy targets under the effect of any hiding skill will be revealed and dealt an additional 200% ATK of additional damage. Requires a knuckle class weapon.
Palm Strike
Strike a single enemy with the palm pushing it back and causing a 3 cell knockback. The target's speed and AGI will be slowed down. Requires a knuckle class weapon.
Triple Arm Cannon
Triple hit that will initiate the combo status on the player. This skill can also be triggered automatically when attacking with regular attacks. Requires a knuckle or mace class weapon.
Tiger Fist
Strikes an enemy with a single hit. This skill will increase the player's combo stacks. Requires a knuckle or mace class weapon.
Summon Spirit Spheres
Summons spirit spheres that will stay circling the monk. Shpheres give a small hidden ATK bonus and are necessary for using some skills.
Throw Spirit Spheres
Fires the summoned spirit spheres towards a single enemy target. The number of spheres thrown depends on the skill level.
Occult Impact
Attacks a single enemy with a massive psychic impact that will inflict more damage if the enemy has a high DEF.
Ki Blast
Uses a spirit shphere to send a shockwave through the ground under the caster damaging all targets in the area of effect. Aditional damage every 3 points of STR.
Absorb Spirit Sphere
Consume one of the spirit spheres of the targeted player in order to replenish an amount of HP and SP.
Body Relocation
Instantly dash towards a distant targeted spot in the ground. The user will be set in a defensive stance afterwards. Increasing their DEF and MDEF for a short duration.
Endows the targeted player's weapon with the holy element.
Creates a holy area on the ground that will provide continuous HP restoration to all friendly characters while active. The Sanctuario heals in waves every 5 seconds. INT "and MATK affect the amount healed.
Coluseo Heal
Instantly cast a magic spell on self and all closest party members to restore an amount of their total health. The caster's base level and MATK, the skill level and INT affect the amount of HP restored.
Sublimitas Heal
Cast magic on a target to restore a great amount of it's total health. The caster's level and MATK, the skill level and INT affect the amount of HP restored.