Classes - Assassin

The Assassin class focuses on damage dealing and evasion. Damage can be done physically or with the use of poison.

Because the nature of their skills they are a class that can deal very high damage but can't help other party members much.

Class Progression
Novice Changes To Thief Changes To Assassin
Skill Description Type
Katar Mastery
Increases katar class weapons base damage, increasing overall damage dealt with them. Katars are two-handed weapons that deal damage with both main and off hand.
Sonic Blow
Directs a flurry of rapid strikes at a single target to deal high damage. Requires a katar class weapon.
Rolling Cutter
Performs a spinning attack that will deal damage to all enemies nearby. A spinning counter is accumulated for each spin. Additional damage every 3 points of LUK. Requires a katar class weapon.
Cross Ripper Slasher
Throw the katar at a target to inflict damage at a distance. Using this skill after spinning out of Rolling Cutter will result in additional damage. Requires a katar class weapon.
Throw Shuriken
Throws a shuriken at a single enemy damage to deal long range damage. The damage is based on ATK but boosted by DEX.
Triple Shuriken
Throws a series of shuriken that will strike a target multiple times. The damage is based on ATK but boosted by DEX.
Initiates the cloaking status, which will hide the caster from enemies. Does not work against boss monsters.
Targets an enemy to strike it. with spikes from a distance. Nearby enemies may also be hit by the spikes. This skill can be used while in Hiding status.
Initiates the stealth status, which will hide the caster from enemies. Skills used to detect hidden enemies will not work against this status. Grants a bonus to STR and DEX when SP isvdrained as part of this skill. Does not work against boss monsters.
Phantom Menace
Deals damage in an area around the caster from the shadows. This skill can be used while in Hiding status and deals extra damage when doing so.
Dual Wielding
Allows the user to equip a one handed weapon in each hand, performing faster regular attacks, but not skills.
Double Attack
Improve the use of the equiped weapons in order to occasionally inflict a double hit with one of them when doing regular attacks. Requires wielding two weapons.
Enchant Poison
Temporarily coats the current equipped weapon with poison to enchant it with the poison property and poisoning enemies by chance with each attack. The effect will stop when the current weapon is switched.
Poisonous CLoud
Spreads poison around the caster to create a cloud of poisonous dust that will hit enemies every 3 seconds, dealing damage and inflicting the poison status. Damage is further boosted by INT.
Venom Impress
Weakens an enemy's resistance against the poison element for a certain amount of time.
Venom Splasher
Attaches a dangerous toxin onto a single target which causes a venomous explosion. The poisonous explosion will deal damage and poison nearby enemies. Damage is further boosted by INT.