The Alchemist is a class which optimizes Potion Creation and usage, while being able to control an Homunculus.
They are a class which can work offensively or for the benefit of their friends and strike terror into the hearts of their foes.
Skill |
Description |
The caster learns to hatch and control an homunculus from it's corresponding embryo.
Homunculus Action I
Commands the active homunculus to use a specific skill, the skill casted will depend on the active homunculus.
Recovers a fixed amount of the currently hatched homunculus's HP and SP.
Homunculus Action II
Commands the active homunculus to use a specific skill, the skill casted will depend on the active homunculus.
Vine Growth
The alchemist thows a bunch of wild vines to a single target to deal earth element magic damage.
Wild Thorns
Grows a large amount of thorny plants around a targeted area in the ground. The whole area will catch fire, turning into a fire property magic damage attack when any cell is is damaged by a fire property attack
Allows the user to brew potions and other alchemy products. The products the user is able to create depend on the creation guides owned.
Fire Demonstration
Throws a grenade bottle to the ground, creating an area that will deal fire property damage every 2 seconds to all enemies nearby for 20 seconds. Damage is increased based on caster's INT.
Acid Terror
Throws an acid bottle towards a single enemy target, dealing neutral property damage to it. This skill has a chance of breaking target's armor, or lowering its defense if it's a monster.
Hurl a grenade bottle straight towards a single enemy target, dealing neutral property damage to it. This skill has a chance of breaking the target's weapon. Or lowering its attack if it's a monster.
Aid Potion
Throws a potion to a party member that will immediately heal the target. The skill level determines the type of potion used. Healing is based on user's INT and MATK.
Aid Slim Potion
Throws a slim potion to a party member that will immediately greately heal the target. The skill level determines the type of potion used. Healing is based on user's INT and MATK.
Cart Boost
Installs a boost system in the cart that grants the caster a small boost in walking speed for the skill's duration as well as a boost in ATK. Requires a cart.
Cart Cannon
Launches a cannon ball from the cart targeting a single enemy but dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Requires a cart.
Cart Shrapnel
Explodes a cannon ball around the cart creating an area that deals damage to enemies and force them back. Requires a cart.
Crowd Control Shot
Fire cannon balls towards an enemy target and all nearby enemies using the Cart Cannon. Requires a cart.